As Earth Day arrives, Beko Home Appliances and released studies suggesting that demand for products associated with sustainability has a better-than-average chance of becoming popular with consumers. Research sponsored by Beko, which specializes in...
Sam’s Club is marking its 40th birthday this month with activations that celebrate membership, including in-club events, an exclusive café item and more than $100 in savings and rewards for members, as well as a membership offer that sets the price as low as $10...
As part of its ongoing expansion, BJ’s Wholesale Club announced today that it is adding five stores to its growing portfolio across the United States including its first in Alabama. The expansion includes plans for a new club in Madison, AL, increasing BJ’s...
The fourth quarter was a good one for BJ’s with comparable sales up solidly and earnings gaining more than enough to beat a Wall Street estimate. Net income was $129.8 million, or 95 cents per diluted share, versus $107.6 million, or 78 cents per diluted share, in the...
Costs hit the Ace Hardware Corp. bottom line in the fourth quarter despite comparable and total sales gains. In the fourth quarter, Ace net loss was $4 million versus company net income of $9.9 million in the year-earlier period, the company stated. The 3,600 Ace...