Gourmia showcased an expanded air fryer lineup during The Inspired Home Show 2022. Gourmia introduced a pair of new digital air fryers with the company’s proprietary “Look ‘N Cook” window and light, as well as a toaster oven and a smokeless indoor grill, each upgraded...
StoreBound announced its Dash brand partnered with FitMenCook founder Kevin Curry to create and market kitchenware designed to inspire and simplify healthy cooking. The initial Fit Cook x Dash lineup was previewed during The Inspired Home Show. Curry’s FitMenCook...
The full Meater Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer product range was on display at the 2022 Inspired Home Show. According to the company, the Meater series by Apption Labs is the world’s first truly wireless, smart, leave-in meat thermometer line. The thermometers...
The following is the third installment of a series of exclusive HomePage News reports on the industry education program at the Innovation Theater during The Inspired Home Show 2022. The Innovation Theater is the McCormick Place Lakeside Lobby Room E350. 2022’s New...
They say a lawyer should never ask a witness a question unless the lawyer already knows the answer. I’m no lawyer, but I fully expected a certain answer when I asked Frieling USA President Bernard Schnacke on the third day of The Inspired Home Show if he had a...