Truth on Trend is an exclusive HomePage News video series that examines the evolving connection between consumer behavior and the home + housewares industry and the pursuit of effective trend forecasting. The series is co-hosted by Peter Giannetti, HomePage News...
Housewares TrendHive is an exclusive video series created for HomePage News by Tom Mirabile, founder of Springboard Futures and consumer trend forecaster for the International Housewares Association and HomePage News. Each installment of Housewares TrendHive on...
Color Cues is an exclusive HomePage News video series hosted by Tom Mirabile, founder of Springboard Futures and consumer trend forecaster for the International Housewares Association and HomePage News. In each episode of Color Cues, Mirabile will be joined by noted...
Introducing Housewares TrendHive, an exclusive video series created for HomePage News by Tom Mirabile, founder of Springboard Futures and consumer trend forecaster for the International Housewares Association and HomePage News. Each weekly installment of Housewares...
This week marks a comprehensive HomePage News video content expansion in collaboration with Springboard Futures’ Tom Mirabile, among the home and housewares industry’s foremost trend forecasters. The HomePage News/Springboard Futures programming is presented with the...