The following is the third installment of a series of exclusive HomePage News reports on the industry education program at the Innovation Theater during The Inspired Home Show 2022. The Innovation Theater is the McCormick Place Lakeside Lobby Room E350. 2022’s New...
An inside look at a trailblazing, consumer-driven home and housewares platform and consumer-driven trend insights took center stage on day two of The Inspired Home Show with the start of the show’s keynote series. In the midday keynote, Amanda Hesser, co-founder of...
Retailers are paying more attention to emergent Generation Z, recognizing the burgeoning opportunity to serve the consumer segment is a lot more than kid stuff. A group that ranges from 10 to 24 years old, Gen Z is beginning to make its mark in the consumer...
HomePage News presents RapidFire with NPD, an exclusive video series spotlighting data-driven insights on key home + housewares trends and topics from Joe Derochowski, home industry advisor for The NPD Group. In this episode, Derochowski reveals data-fueled insights...
Keynote presentations for The Inspired Home Show 2022 will spotlight exclusive data and insights on shifting consumer lifestyle trends; an inside discussion about one of the industry’s fastest-growing and most influential online food and home platforms; and a...