During the back-to-school season, Walmart is expanding its initiatives in the metaverse with Supercampus. Established as part of Roblox operations, Supercampus is a back-to-school adventure designed to help players unleash their creativity and test their...
Zulily has partnered with chef Curtis Stone to create easy, affordable and nutritious recipes for kids of all ages designed to help families reduce back-to-school pressure and to-do lists. Stone has curated his must-have kitchen tools and accessories for Zulily to...
As many parents manage their children’s return to classrooms, Sur La Table is approaching the back-to-school season in its own way, assembling a range of products to help parents cope with demands on their time and resources. In the initiative, the focus, Sur La...
In its back-to-school/back-to-college push, Macy’s is positioning itself as a one-stop destination including not only apparel and dorm-friendly home items but backpacks to help round out the offering. Backpacks range from tie-dyed to licensed character items and...
Dollar General is rolling out its back-to-school/college deals while putting out a call for diverse suppliers. For back to school, Dollar General is offering low prices and special deals while also providing savings with a DG Digital Coupon that takes $2 off any...