A survey by Skai, a platform supporting online marketing and branding, indicates consumers will be spending a considerable amount of money on Amazon during its annual Prime Day event, and household goods are the second biggest item of interest among prospective shoppers.
Consumer electronics is the category that’s tops in terms of consumer buying intention, with household goods number two, fashion and apparel number three, beauty and personal care number four, pets number five, and toys and games number six. If those priorities hold up in actual purchasing, the results might be some indication that consumer spending priorities are shifting as the year goes on and that consumer electronics and home goods may be gaining traction as the second half of the year approaches.
As for precedents, 91% of consumers said they had shopped Amazon Prime Day in the past. Then, looking forward, 85% said they would like two Prime Day events a year. Bargain hunting is a priority, as 61% of consumers surveyed said that price is extremely important in their purchasing decisions.
When it comes to Prime Day preparation, 61% of consumers said they started researching a month before the event, or when they assume the event will happen, given Amazon’s reluctance to provide the date until close to the actual event. Then, 63% of respondents said they would be happy to wait until Prime Day to make a purchase decision even if a product was on sale in the weeks leading up to the occasion.