The Inspired Home Show 2022

WineGrasp Debuts at The Inspired Home Show

A first-time exhibitor at The Inspired Home Show, WineGrasp is debuting their namesake product in the Inventors Corner at the show.

IHA Reports Strong U.S., International Retailer Attendance at The Inspired Home Show

The show, which featured 1,016 exhibitors from 40 countries, brought in retailers from 49 states and 84 countries, according to IHA. Show attendees, IHA reported, included senior-level executives, DMMs, GMMs and buyers from major retailers and distributors; and a strong showing from gift, specialty and independent retailers.

Gourmia Showcased Expanded Air Fryer Lineup

Gourmia introduced a pair of new digital air fryers with the company’s proprietary “Look ‘N Cook” window and light, as well as toaster oven and a smokeless indoor grill, each upgraded with air fryer functions.