Connect FALL 2022

IHA Occasions and At-Home Entertaining Surveys: Housewares Joins the Celebration

The final session of Connect FALL 2022 featured an overview of the IHA Occasions Report 2023, offering key findings, conclusions and changes from the 2022 survey. Presenters Leana Salamah, vice president, Marketing at IHA, and Peter Giannetti, editor-in-chief of HomePage News, also previewed results from an IHA consumer survey on at-home entertaining to be released later this year

Aromality Life Launches Waterless Fragrance Diffusers

Aromality Life Launches Waterless Fragrance Diffusers

Aromality Life has launched a unique line of waterless diffusers, which the company says will bring superior fragrance dispersion to homes, offices and commercial spaces.The Aroma Blanket series is...

Nook Brings Innovation & Heart to Toothbrush Storage

Nook Brings Innovation & Heart to Toothbrush Storage

Nook is looking to revolutionize how people think about toothbrush hygiene and storage. The Nook Toothbrush Holder combines functionality and sustainability to bring consumers a better home for...

Horl Showcases Next-Generation Knife Sharpeners

Horl Showcases Next-Generation Knife Sharpeners

Horl featured its next-generation manual knife sharpeners, including an eco-friendly everyday sharpener, at The Inspired Home Show in Chicago.Crafting products with high-quality materials in...