About Us
HomePage News, launched in 2021, is the authoritative business news and information resource for the home + housewares industry.
HomePage News, launched in 2021, is the authoritative business news and information resource for the home + housewares industry. This new B2B editorial platform answers heightened demand for comprehensive, in-depth coverage at a critical time for this dynamic, fast-evolving industry.
Owned and operated by the International Housewares Association, HomePage News is directed by Editor-in-Chief Peter Giannetti, the industry’s most experienced editor. Giannetti leads a veteran HomePage News team that brings an incisive, unbiased approach to covering all facets of the home and housewares business, from supplier, retail and trade show news; to exclusive market data and insights; to in-depth category and trend reports.
The HomePage News digital platform offers highly engaging, colorfully visual and easy-to-navigate access to industry news and information. The mobile-optimized HomePage News website sets a fresh, vibrant new standard for B2B content delivery for today’s demanding home + housewares decision-makers.
HomePage News joins a diverse and widening program of services from the International Housewares Association developed to connect and inform the business of home + housewares throughout the year. The Inspired Home Show, the industry’s preeminent in-person B2B marketplace, is set for March 17-19, 2024, at McCormick Place in Chicago. And the recently launched IHA Home + Housewares Connect platform is expanding to offer a regular schedule of high-caliber virtual events and robust, convenient digital marketplaces.
HomePage News Delivers:
- Breaking Industry & Retail News
- New Product News
- Executive Industry & Retail Executive Interviews
- In-Depth Features on Marketing, Merchandising, Operations
- Comprehensive Industry Show Coverage
- Special Category & Trend Reports
- Insightful Market Data and Analysis
- Financial News
- Exclusive Video Content
- Expert Commentary
HomePage News Team